Author: Dr. Shruti Bhattacharya

Dog sitting is the practice of providing short-term care and supervision to dogs while their guardians are out of the house. This service offers a variety of options, from brief visits to overnight stays, to maintain the well-being of canine friends by giving company, feeding, and any essential care. For the sake of the dogs’ well-being, comfort, and protection, it is essential to hire a dog sitter who is responsible and attentive. It entails providing for their fundamental need, but also getting to know their unique personalities, and any health concerns, and making sure they are safe and cared for.…

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The plight of stray dog populations is an intricate and critical problem that impacts communities all around the world. Poor health, accidents, and abuse are some of the problems that stray dogs are confronted with. This is an ongoing and pervasive problem that needs immediate attention and proactive remedies; the underlying causes include economic factors and inadequate spaying/neutering methods. The importance of tackling the problem of stray dogs cannot be stressed enough. Along with the moral necessity of preserving the health and happiness of these sentient beings, there are also wider-ranging ramifications for society. Uncontrolled stray dog populations constitute a…

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The pursuit of dog longevity becomes paramount in a society where dogs are more than simply pets; they are beloved family members. The want for a long and healthy life for one’s canine companion is a fundamental human emotion that all dog owners share. The significance of a dog’s lifespan goes beyond its role as a companion; it symbolizes the dedication to cultivating a friendship that endures through the years. In this investigation of how to extend dog longevity, we will examine the various elements that impact this trait. In order to give dogs the best care possible, it is…

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As wonderful as it is to welcome a dog into your life, dealing with aggressive behavior may be difficult for everyone involved. For the sake of both your pet’s health and your household’s peace and quiet, it’s important to learn about and deal with aggressive behavior in dogs. In this article, you will learn all you need to know about training an aggressive dog. My goal is to help dog guardians build a strong bond with their dogs by teaching them how to identify aggression and how to use positive reinforcement to redirect the aggression and allow the dog to…

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Amidst the hustle and bustle of everyday life, it’s easy to forget about the small but significant difference we can make, particularly to our furry friends. In this article, i will cover how you and your dog can set out on a path of compassion that could transform your lives. We’re going to take a deep dive into the wonderful world of dog fostering, which is about so much more than just giving them a place to stay; it’s also about giving them love, hope, and a second opportunity. Imagine this: a frightened and abandoned puppy finding refuge in a…

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It is our responsibility as dog guardians to guarantee the health and happiness of our four-legged friends. They bring incalculable joy and unending love into our lives and we should do the same for them. Among the many important organs that contribute to a dog’s well-being, the kidneys serve as watchdogs, carrying out important but frequently overlooked tasks. Because of their subtlety, dog kidney problems can sneak up on even the most vigilant guardians. To help you spot and treat renal problems in dogs early, this article will focus on the more subtle symptoms that go unnoticed. If you want…

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The well-being and contentment of our cherished canine friends are of the utmost significance to us. Allergic dermatitis is a frequent and annoying skin condition that can affect dogs. Dogs, like people, can experience allergic reactions to things in their environment or even in the food they eat. Intense itching, inflammation, and a diminished quality of life can be experienced by our beloved pets when they suffer from allergic dermatitis, commonly known as skin allergies. This article delves further into the topic of allergic dermatitis in dogs, covering its various manifestations, causes, symptoms, and treatment options. If you’re someone who…

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Getting a new puppy is a fun and fulfilling experience. These adorable critters rapidly earn their place as cherished members of the household, bringing unconditional love, devotion, and friendship. The responsibility of bringing up a healthy and happy dog comes hand in hand with all the fun of having a new puppy. A organized puppy schedule is an essential tool for new guardians and marks the beginning of this journey. The key to giving your puppy the best possible care, training, and socialization is a well-thought-out regimen. It helps you deal with the ups and downs of puppyhood and lays…

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Dogs of all sizes and breeds are susceptible to heartworm disease, which is a silent but possibly fatal menace. These parasitic invaders may be hidden within a dog’s body and unseen, yet they can have a significant negative effect on your beloved pooch’s health. To protect our beloved friends, it is crucial for us as responsible dog owners to be aware of symptom of heartworm in dogs and the available treatments for the same. In this article, I will discuss heartworms, their effects on our dog pals, and the precautions you can take to keep your dog safe from this…

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We treat our dogs like members of the family and they treat us like family. As a dog guardian. it is a no-brainer that the well-being of your dog is a non-negotiable option. This starts with the diet of your dog. Most guardians have concerns about what they should feed their dogs. The query “Is celery for dogs a good option?” is one crucial and common question that keeps popping up. So here is your answer. Because of its low calories and high number of health advantages, celery has become a favorite vegetable among health-conscious people. But is it as good for our canine…

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