Author: Dr. Shruti Bhattacharya

Does your pup go through toys like his life depends on it? If yes, then you need to learn how to make homemade dog toys for your beloved chewer. My boy Delta Bunny cannot allow his new toys to even last a day in that velociraptor mouth of his. Within five minutes of getting a new toy, I will be provided with its carcass and a very innocent face telling me, “momma get something stronger. This one did not last…hehe” So if you have a pup like mine, then you need to master the art of making homemade dog toys.…

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Good dog daycares can come in very handy during times of need. It is not always possible to take your dog with you wherever you go. Suppose you are a single parent and have to go to work. It is not possible to take your dog to work along with you. Alternatively, you may be traveling for work, and it may not be possible to take your pup along on the journey. Under the circumstances, you can keep your dog in the dog daycare. However, you must be sure that the doggy daycare you have chosen for your pup is…

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You must’ve heard of postpartum depression. However, have you heard of puppy blues? Let’s find out. So, you’ve always wanted a puppy. You got one too. However, despite being super cute, the puppy is ruining your life. Was it too quick a decision to get a puppy? Are you ever going to be able to sleep again peacefully? Is it still an option to return the puppy to the breeder? Where did all of that excitement go? How did the world suddenly turn upside down? Welcome to the world of puppy blues If you want to know more about dog…

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When you get a new puppy, it is your responsibility to train them. You must work on the primary command to train your dog how to SIT? Teach your dog how to SIT is the first command taught in obedience training. Teaching your dog the SIT command can be helpful in multiple situations. This command is also essential for establishing a relationship between you and your pup. Once your dog has learned how to sit, training other commands will become much more manageable. The SIT command also gravitates your dog towards you and focuses their full attention on you. This…

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Our pups prefer to eat almost everything they find, especially if it is in our hands. It does not matter whether you are chewing on grass, lettuce, or nuts, if you are eating it, your dog wants it. Almonds have always been a great snack for us. However, as responsible dog guardians we wonder, can dogs eat almonds? If you want to know the answer to this question, read all the way till the end. If you are a dog guardian who loves to stay updated with the latest news and information about dog care, you have come to the…

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It is the time of the year to take some new resolutions to ensure a better 2022 for your dog. 2021 has been a one-of-a-kind year for all of us. From coronavirus to lock down to difficulty in finding veterinary services, times have been really tough. Now as 2022 has begun, I see the light at the end of this dark tunnel. As responsible dog guardians, let’s make a few new resolutions for the new year so that we can provide our pups and dogs a better quality of life and a better year overall. While we do take resolutions…

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Guest Post for The Happy Puppers Each year you can easily set your clock to the fact that Dachshunds will be ranked among the world’s most popular breeds. And yet, as universally loved as these dogs are, their name is as misunderstood as their popularity is great! This article will delve into the the rabbit hole of this breed’s name, mainly covering the pronunciation of this breed’s name, but it’ll also dig into the origin story of Dachshunds, tracing its fascinating history back when Dachshunds were first bred in Germany. How to Pronounce Dachshund? How to Pronounce “Dachshund” The first…

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Honey is an all-around natural treat. However, is honey for dogs beneficial? Harvested directly from beehives, honey is a sweet yet delightful natural product that can be consumed without any treatment. For humans, honey has proven itself to be very useful. It can be used to soothe cough and sore throat issues, reduce seasonal allergies, as a natural sweetener, et cetera. However, is honey for dogs a safe option? The short answer to this question would be YES! Honey, if provided to your dog in small quantities, can be beneficial and keep your dog protected. However, honey is not meant…

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Are you punishing your dog? Stop right now. Punishing your dog never works This is possibly the most discussed topic on dog forums and Facebook groups. Is punishing your dog effective or not, and if punishing is ineffective, what should they do instead to correct the pup’s behaviour? First, you must understand that your dog is your child. It would help if you treated your dog the same way you will treat your child. Would you hit your child if they do something inappropriate? Especially when you know that your kid does not understand that the behaviour is unacceptable in…

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Are you facing trouble with your dog’s unwanted chewing behavior? Without any further ado, try out these simple yet effective solutions. Every dog guardian has faces dog chewing problems. At some point or other, they have returned home to find damage inflicted on their furniture, shoes, clothing, or any other item around the house. This is especially prevalent in the case of puppies. Most people attribute unwanted chewing to the puppyhood stages. However, this behavior is also observed in some dogs after they have reached adulthood. Dogs normally use their sense of smell and vision to explore the world. Yet,…

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