Author: Dr. Shruti Bhattacharya

Ticks can be a pesky problem for both you and your dog. In serious condition, ticks can even be fatal to your pup. Check out these amazing home remedies to remove ticks from both your dog and your house. If your dog is still in the early stages of his or her life, he or she may not be able to handle the aggressive anti tick products. If you are looking for solutions of how to get the ticks off from your dog, you are at the right place. The tick removal remedies I am about to discuss are made…

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Tick bite paralysis in dogs can be fatal. The causes, symptoms and preventive measures. Ticks have the tendency to cause a variety of tick related diseases. In my previous posts, I have discussed the seven most common diseases which are transmitted by these bloodsuckers. I have also discussed prevention strategies for ticks so you can keep your dog and home tick free, In this blog post I will discuss tick bite paralysis in dogs. Tick bites can cause paralysis in dogs. Tick bite paralysis is caused by a potent neurotoxin released by ticks in their saliva which they inject into…

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Tick bites in dogs, seven diseases, symptoms, treatments and preventive measures After fleas, ticks are the worst problem any dog guardian can face. Ticks are not only a nuisance; they can also take your dog’s life or cause paralysis if not treated at the right time. If the dog is not on preventive medication, he or she might be left completely paralyzed or worse in case of a tick bite. How does tick bite work? When a tick bites you dog, it attaches to your dog’s skin and feeds on his or her blood. Ticks are parasites of the hematophagous…

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Fleas in dogs treatment, and all else you must know If you ask a dog guardian what do they dread the most about the warm months, the first thing they are most likely to tell you is fleas. Flea infestation is the nightmare if the dog care regime. Fleas are generally small and dark brown in color. They prefer to live in temperatures of 65 to 80°F with humidity levels of 75 to 85%. The infestation of fleas is most prominent in regions of the southern United States. In this post I discuss about fleas on dogs treatment, signs, transmission…

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How to make homemade eye wipes for dogs? In this post, I discuss how you can make homemade dog eye wipes. In my previous post, I discussed how the dog eye tear stains can be problematic for dogs endowed with light colored or long fur. The stains can gather under the eyes, cause matting of the fur, or can get into the skin folds of your dog’s face and increase the chances of fungal infection due to accumulation of the moisture. These stains are due to the discharge released from the eyes. Even though dog tear stains only cause cosmetic issues, they still cause your dog to look unattractive and may cause…

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Remove the dog tear stains under your pup’s eyes and make your pup look even cuter. I have no doubt that your pup is cute. Honestly, I am yet to meet a pup who is not cute and handsome. However, there is one way you can enhance your pup’s beautiful features. No! I am not talking about coloring your pup’s fur or getting beauty enhancement treatment done for your boy or girl. I am talking about addressing the dog tear stains which develop under your pup’s eyes. I have heard a common misconception amongst a lot of dog guardians that…

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Read the complete blog post to know how to introduce your current dog to a new pup My dog is bored. He needs a playmate. You got a new pup. A few days later… ”Oh my God! My dog hates the new puppy. He is so aggressive towards the little guy. I must rehome the little puppy to save his life.” These are the cases floating around in almost all of dog Facebook groups. Most dog guardians feel that having just one dog is not enough especially if it is a high energy dog who gets bored easily. I would consider…

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If your dog displays anxiousness or fearfulness, you may think agility training is out of question for your pup. However, the reality is far from the truth. Read on the complete blog post to understand how agility training can help pups of all behavior and breeds. Agility training is the best form of exercise for your pup. Dog agility is a common canine sport in which the dog handler directs the pup to move through many obstacles like teeter-totter, jump, tire, tunnel, weave poles, standard jumps and pause table. In case of competitive agility events, dog handlers try to navigate…

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Is your dog barking his/her head off and disturbing you and the neighbors? Read the full blog post to know the causes and corrective measures you can take to curb this behavior Barking is a natural behavior of dogs. Dogs bark to express a variety of emotions. A bank can have a different meaning depending on the situation at hand. However constant or excessive barking can be seen as a nuisance and considered as human behavior problem by the humans. What is the reason behind excessive barking and dogs? There are several reasons why your dog might be barking too…

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Are you wondering how to stop your dog from being aggressive all the time? If your dog is regularly displaying behavior like snapping, biting or growling, you have a serious behavioral issue on your hands which needs to be addressed as soon as possible. Dog aggression is one of the primary reasons why dog guardians go for the help of a professional animal behaviorist or dog trainers. If you are lucky, you may come in contact with a trainer who understands the reason behind your dog’s aggression and deals with the problem by using positive reinforcements, However, if you have…

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