Author: Dr. Shruti Bhattacharya

Are you wondering how to stop your dog from being aggressive all the time? If your dog is regularly displaying behavior like snapping, biting or growling, you have a serious behavioral issue on your hands which needs to be addressed as soon as possible. Dog aggression is one of the primary reasons why dog guardians go for the help of a professional animal behaviorist or dog trainers. If you are lucky, you may come in contact with a trainer who understands the reason behind your dog’s aggression and deals with the problem by using positive reinforcements, However, if you have…

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Cataract is one of the worst nightmare for any dog guardian. Read the complete blog post to know all the herbal remedies for cataracts in dogs Have you noticed that your dog’s eyes are starting to cloud up with a whitish tinge? This is generally indicative towards the fact that your dog is probably developing cataract. Just like humans, dogs can also get affected by cataract. It causes a white haze to form in front of the lens of the eye and impedes your dog’s vision. If you are worried about your dog developing this heinous disease and losing…

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Brought home a new puppy? Do you need to know what supplements are required? Then you are at just the right place. Read the full blog post to understand what your puppy really needs. Adults are not the only ones who need dietary supplements or vitamins. Your dogs or puppies are in very much need of the same. Most common dietary supplements which are used by dog guardians are multivitamins to support the arthritic joints dogs, fatty acids to cause reduction in shedding and improvement in the coat shine, probiotics to reduce or alleviate gastrointestinal problems and finally antioxidants to…

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It’s time to know the herbal remedies which can cure your dog suffering from kennel cough In my previous poor I discussed kennel cough, the causes, and symptoms of the same. In this post, I will discuss the herbal remedies which can prevent Kennel cough in your dog. Kennel cough is just like the common cold in dogs. It can infect your dog if he/she comes is contact with any other dog. Kennel cough can infect your dog if your dog cones ins direct contact with an infected dog-like touching noses, using contaminated surfaces like water, food or food bowl…

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If your dog is puking, you are probably very concerned and want to know what to do next. Read the full blog post to understand the causes and preventive measures of the same. Vomiting is not uncommon in dogs. Some of the reasons behind dog’s vomiting is nothing to worry about. However, if the vomiting is a sign of a serious health problem, you may need immediate veterinary care. Some dogs may vomit from time to time depending on the situation, however, if your dog is big repeatedly vomiting, it deserves your attention. Your dog’s vomiting can have a look…

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What are the steps to be taken to stop your dog from eating poop? If you are reading this post, you have a dog who likes to eat poop. Try out the following amazing tips to correct and stop your dog from eating poop. Most commonly, your dog eats poop due to malnourishment. You can do the following to improve your dog’s nourishment and reduce the poop eating behavior: Enzyme supplementation The current canine diet which is commercially available has a high level of carbohydrates and low levels of need-based proteins and fats which were a part of the canine…

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Does your dog eat his own poop? Fear not, you will find all your answers to how to discourage this behavior here. Keep reading all the way to the end. Dogs have been known to have many weird habits like sleeping with their legs in the air, licking their butts, rolling in dirt and mud, drinking from the toilet bowl, etc. However, some puppies and dogs have also been reported to eat their own poop. This has been observed to be the most repulsive behavior of all. This behavior has also led to many dog guardians trying to rehome their…

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Kennel cough in dogs: its dreadful but treatable Does your dog show symptoms of hacking away or is constantly making noises which sounds like he/she is choking on something?? If yes, then your pup maybe suffering from canine infectious tracheal bronchitis or kennel cough. Kennel cough is a highly contagious respiratory disease. Dogs normally contract kennel cough via places where there are large amounts of dog congregates like daycare or boarding facilities, training groups, dog shows, and dog parks. Kennel cough can be spread to other dogs by either a direct contact like touching noses, droplets, or by use of contaminated…

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This year spend Valentine’s Day with your dogs and make it extra special for all of you. Your furry baby loves you 24/7 of the 365 days a year. You are their whole world. You may have other people in your life, but in their life, you are the only one. So, this upcoming Valentine’s Day, make life amazing not only for yourself and your loved one but also for your adorable pup. You know you love them to the moon and back. Why not use this eve to show them exactly how much? Here, I have come up…

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Did you know that the tye of training you provide to your canine companion will modify his or her brain? Does training modify dog brain? Really? Yes, you read it right. The kind of dog training that is given to a dog modifies the neural network in their brain. Interesting fact, isn’t it? Do you want to know how this new research came to light? Then keep on reading until the end. If you have gone through any literature about dog care, you would have known that is of utmost importance to dog be it of any breed and any…

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