Author: Dr. Shruti Bhattacharya

Ever wondered why does your dog tend to eat grass when you take him out for his walk? Most of the time when Delta is out on his walk, he tends to munch on the grass on the side of the road. Despite being a chicken loving pup, his obsession with eating grass is quite intriguing to me. Considering the fact that he hates cows, why is he taking up their habits?? Could it be that he is Sick? Hungry? Bored? Become a vegetarian?? Thus, I decided to find out the reason behind such behavior. Stay tuned if this is…

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Right now the whole world is talking about CBD (medical marijuana) oil and its benefits in providing relief from ailments like seizures, anxiety, pain and even cancer. On several Facebook groups, I saw people recommending CBD for dogs suffering from anxiety. Is CBD oil a good option for dogs? However, the question stands: Is CBD for dogs a good option too? What is CBD? CBD is an acronym for cannabidiol. Cannabidiol is a chemical compound derived from the Cannabis sativa plant (marijuana). It belongs to the group of cannabinoids. Cannabinoids are chemical substances which act on specific cannabinoid receptors present in the…

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7 ways to have an enjoyable lockdown with your dog So you are stuck in quarantine. You are missing going to work every day, meeting your friends, having a social life. Here are 7 ways you can make your lockdown enjoyable with your pup…!! You have cleaned your house, played video games, tried your hand at cooking and now it feels like the walls are coming closer and you are starting to feel suffocated. One can only take so much of self-isolation. So what to do now? How to make your days easier to pass? The one thing I can…

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Why does your training style matter for your dog’s future behavior? Dogs are one of the first animals to ever be domesticated. All this time spent amongst humans has made them more human-like compared to any other species including the non-human primates like monkeys and chimpanzees. They are easily trained and very obedient. Their personality depends on their guardian. If you are a positive person and train your dog in a positive manner, you will have a loyal, loving and protective companion. However, if you train in a negative manner, things may just go downhill. Dogs are highly intelligent creatures As…

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Seeing our beloved dogs in pain crush us from inside. No one knows it better than me. I am currently semi- fostering 9 dogs who live in my locality. Two of them have a sprained leg (Guy and Oreo), one of them has hair shedding off her body (Momma Gal), one of them suffered a stroke (Anne) a while back but is doing better now. Thus, I keep looking for natural remedies to help my kids. So far you have read about the top 6 herbal remedies which you can use to help relieve your dog’s joint aches and…

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In my previous blog post, 11 signs that your dog is in pain, I discussed the possible symptoms you can use to identify that your beloved boy/girl is suffering from pain. However, our role as dog guardians does not end there, does it? We are completely responsible for their mental, physical and emotional well being. Thus, our role starts from diagnosing that our pup might be in pain to doing everything we can to help and alleviate the discomfort and pain. Although the first thing to do is to set up an appointment with your veterinarian, sometimes this option may come with…

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Make this DIY indoor activity course for your pooch and never let your dog lack in exercise. No matter what our situation is, our dogs need their exercise. If they do not get their exercise on time and on a regular basis, they may develop aggression towards other dogs and other family members. Thus, proper mental and physical stimulation of your dog is of the utmost importance for his/her well being. What is a better way to do it than to set up an indoor activity course? This way your dog can get all the exercise he/she needs right at…

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Coronavirus! What you need to know as a dog guardian! What is Coronavirus? Coronaviruses are positive-stranded, spherical, enveloped, non-segmented RNA viruses. It has a diameter of 125nm. In the human body, it binds to the ACE2 receptor present on the alveoli of the lungs. Upon infection/entry, it hijacks the human cell machinery to make a complete virus particle, killing the host cell in the process. The name Coronavirus is derived from the crown-like spikes which are present on the surface of the virus (in Latin, corona translates to ‘crown’). The novel Coronavirus has 2 names: COVID-19 SARS-CoV-2 Other Coronaviruses which…

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Are NSAIDs really worth as a pain management option for your dog?   So you suddenly notice your dog (Yuri) has developed a limp in one of his legs and is having difficulty walking or sitting (Signs and symptoms of pain in dogs). You have some pain medication lying around which was previously prescribed to your other elderly dog (Molly) for her osteoarthritic knee. To provide some instant relief to Yuri, you decide to give him Molly’s medicine.    STOP Don’t ever do that…!! You might do more harm than good…   As per FDA, there is only one over…

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18 signs, a dog is in pain and what to do Dogs are probably the most resilient creatures on this planet. They try to not be bothered by small cuts or bruises. Since they cannot speak, it is difficult to understand whether your dog is in pain because of an injury or any other underlying cause. In this article I bring you the symptoms and signs of your dog in pain. I am currently taking care of an Indian pariah dog (named Guy Wigglebutt) who lives in my colony. The first night I found Guy, he was wailing in pain (I…

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