There must have been times when you just looked at your dog and wondered, ‘what is going on in that little head of his?’ If this thought has passed through your mind before, you are not alone. In this article, I will address the most common dog behaviors that may have plagued you so far.
Every dog comes with their own unique set of personalities and quirky behavior. You may not be well-versed with the doggy language, but you do need to understand how to interpret your dog’s behavior. This can provide you an insight into understanding the inner workings of your dog’s brain. The best part is that there are certain specific dog behaviors that are the same across most dog breeds like head tilting, digging, circling, etc. In this article, I will be discussing the most common dog behaviors and their meaning.
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Without further ado, let’s understand the most common dog behaviors that your pup displays and the reason behind it
Topics covered in this blog post
35 most common dog behaviors explained
Head tilts: the most adorable of all dog behaviors
Possibly the most adorable of all dog behaviors. There are millions of reels on Instagram that show dogs tilting their head to one side and the other in response to a specific sound. This behavior is most often observed when the dogs come across a new sound or if they see something particularly puzzling. The behavior of head tilting is more common in puppies than in adult dogs. This common and very adorable dog behavior can have a few different indications
Sometimes, dogs may tilt their head to one side to simply hear better. If your dog has a floppy ear, the ear flaps sometimes can muffle the sound that is entering the ear. Tilting the head allows your dog to be able to hear better.
If your dog is tilting his head in the absence of a sound, it may be because your dog has seen something that is particularly intriguing to him. Scientific evidence has shown that momentary tilting of the head allows dogs not only to hear better but also see better. There is also scientific evidence that suggests that head tilting maybe sign of focusing and reasoning.
If you notice that your dog has tilted his head but seems to have no control over the head position, it can be indicative of a health problem like an ear infection. It could also indicate an abnormality in the brain. If you notice a suspicious head tilt, immediately consult your veterinarian. Do not delay.
Eating poop: the grossest of all dog behaviors
Eating poop or Coprophagia as it is otherwise known as is a very common habit amongst puppies and sometimes in older dogs as well. There are many reasons behind the behavior of dogs eating poop.
The first theory says that dogs eat poop if they have malnutrition. If the dog is not getting adequate nutrition in his diet, he may resort to eating poop because the poop of other dogs may contain the nutrition that your dog lacks.
Another theory says that dogs may eat poop as a sign of stress and anxiety. Suppose, during the potty training process, your dog defecated in the house and you scolded him. Next time, your dog will try to hide the evidence by eating the poop itself.
If the puppy you have adopted was raised in a puppy mill, there is a high chance that he may develop behavioral issues. Puppies in puppy mills are kept in very small cages. They are not let out for pooping or peeing. Very often, the diet they are provided is also nutritionally deficient and not adequate in quantity. Therefore, pups start to consume poop in order to fill their stomach and gain the lacking nutrition.
Finally, your dog may have PICA.
Tail chasing behavior
This is another of the most adorable of all dog behaviors. Tail chasing is a very common behavior that is displayed by dogs of all the breeds and looks super adorable. However, why does the tail suddenly become the enemy of the dog? Let’s understand the dog psychology behind tail chasing behavior.
Most often, the activity of tail chasing is playful and natural. Dogs are very curious creatures. They tend to follow everything that moves. It is a similar case with tail chasing. When the dog notices his own tail wagging, he sees the tail as prey and wants to catch it.
However, if your dog starts to chew on the tail, this can be an indication of a problem. This can also be an indication of your dog suffering from an obsessive-compulsive disorder. Even though OCD amongst dogs is not a very common problem, it can still occur.
If you notice your dog chasing his tail excessively, try to distract your dog. If your dog does not get distracted by toys, treats or any other item, you should consult a certified dog behaviorist and discuss the OCD behavior of your dog. Continued behavior of such kind can cause injury to the tail.
Dogs use howling to alert you to danger. However, howling can also mean a variety of other things. Delta most often howls when he wants attention. He will let out a very low pitch, medium volume howl to let us know that he is feeling ignored. On the other hand, my foster kids howl if they feel lonely. Their howl is most often resolved by me spending time with them. However, a howl may mean a lot of other things as well.
Dogs howl to tell other dogs about their location. Howls can travel long distances. Therefore, this is the chosen medium of communication. Dogs use howl to indicate their territory, indicate that they have found prey and alert other dogs to not enter their territory.
Some breeds may howl more than others. For example: Siberian Huskies howl regularly. Howl is a form of communication for Huskies. They can use their howls to express a wide range of emotions. However, German Shepherds or Rottweilers do not express such behavior.
If you notice that your dog is howling excessively, especially when you are not home, this is a sign of separation anxiety. If you see such a symptom along with other symptoms like the destruction of furniture in your absence, excessive barking behavior, etc, you need to get counterconditioning done with the help of a certified dog behaviorist or dog trainer.
Barking is another of the dog behaviors focused on vocalization. This dog behavior is most often seen as normal in dogs. Some dogs may be more vocal than others. Barking is most often used to communicate with other dogs and humans.
Barking indicates danger. If a car suddenly zooms past a dog on the road, he may start barking because he is scared. Alternatively, a bark may also indicate that your dog does not like the person he is being introduced to. If your dog suddenly starts barking and a random stranger in the middle of the road, it indicates that your dog senses danger from that person.
However, if you notice your dog barking excessively, it may indicate boredom or distress. Under such conditions, you must take your dog to the vet and rule out any medical conditions. Following this, you need a dog trainer to help get the behavior under control.
Bum scooting behavior.
It is super funny to watch Dogs scoot their bums on the floor. Is this a behavior that your dog exhibits? If not, there is no need to worry. Not scooting the bum on the ground does not mean that your dog is weird. It is in fact a good thing. Bum scooting is generally a sign of a problem.
Dogs will most often scoot their bums on the floor if something is irritating them around the bum region. Most often, the irritants are the anal glands. Anal glands are located on either side of the anal region. These sacks usually get filled with a stinky and oily fluid. During bowel movements, the anal glands most often empty themselves. However, some dogs may need help from their humans to express their anal lands occasionally. If you notice your dog scooting excessively on the floor, take him to the veterinarian. It may be a sign that the anal glands need to be emptied.
The other reasons behind the scooting behavior may involve poop sticking to the bum, the presence of anal masses or other skin problems.
I am yet to see a dog who does not like to lick people when happy. Licking is one of the most common dog behaviors. Dogs love to lick people. This is their way of showing affection. This is why dogs licking humans is most often referred to as dog kisses.
Dogs also lick to indicate that they want attention. Certain studies have shown that the salt present in human sweat makes the skin tasty for the dog. Therefore, there may be some instinctual licking involved as well.
If the dog senses that you are hurt, he may lick the hurt region. Dogs lick their own wounds. Your dog may display a similar behavior and try to help you recover by licking your wounds. If you do not like the licking behavior of your dog, you can train your dog to reduce and eventually stop the behavior.
Circling before laying down
If you notice that your dog is circling the bed before he plops down, it is an indication of nesting. This is the dog’s way of making the place comfortable before he settles down. You may like to fluff the pillows. Your dog likes to circle the region. Circling the place allows the dog to feel more secure and safe since this gives them a sense of control. This also allows them to settle down in a manner that is most comfortable.
The behavior of turning in circles is one that dogs have most likely inherited from their wolf ancestors. Experts say that wolves turn in circles to find out the direction of the wind so that they can sleep with their noses in the wind. This allows them to sense danger before it comes too close.
Submissive urination
If you notice two dogs interacting with one another, and you see that one dog lays down and urinates on himself. This is a sign of submissive urination. This behavior is most commonly observed in puppies. Once the puppy grows into an adult dog, this behavior fades away. However, if the dog remains timid even after reaching adulthood, he may display this behavior in presence of a dominant dog. If you notice this behavior in your dog even after he becomes a full-grown adult, you should get him checked by the vet. This will help rule out any medical issues. Once this is done, you can help your dog build confidence by use of positive reinforcement methods.
Digging is fairly common and is a part of most of the dog behaviors list. It is also the cause most dog parents do not have flowers in their yard. Many dog guardians have complained that their dogs will dig up the flower beds. Thus, they just don’t bother with planting flowers anymore. Digging is an instinctual behavior in most dogs. Sometimes, dogs will dig only for fun. This most often happens if the dog is the only pup dog in the house, if the dog has few toys or if he is feeling bored. This behavior may also be observed in the dog is left outside in the yard for extended periods.
During summer seasons, dogs may dig to cool themselves. When dogs dig, they remove the hot soil from the top. They expose the soil underneath that is much cooler. They will sit on the cool soil to bring their body temperature down.
If you notice your dog digging specifically in one single region, your dog might be trying to catch a burrowing animal or insect. This is the hunting instinct of your dog coming out. As long as your dog’s digging behavior is not causing too much destruction, allow him to enjoy it.
Butt sniffing
This is another of the common dog behaviors that tend to irk the dog guardians. However, smells hold very high importance amongst dogs. The sense of smell in dogs is very keen. By sniffing another dog, dogs can know almost everything about the other dog. All it takes is one quick sniff. The details that the dog may identify via smelling another dog include health, age, sex, and if they have previously been introduced to one another.
Dogs also sniff one another to identify if the other dog is a potential playmate or if they should maintain a distance from him. Therefore, you can look at but sniff as a form of a doggy handshake.
Humping is a very common dog behavior. It is most often observed during the puppyhood stages. In many cases, humping weans off by the time the dog reaches adulthood. Even though, most dog guardians think that humping is sexual behavior, it is not always that. Humping also does not indicate dominance.
Dogs may hump one another as a part of their normal playtime. They may also hump other people and objects. Another factor behind humping is nonsexual excitement and attention-seeking behavior. If two dogs who have been neutered or spayed, hump one another, it is not a problem unless one of the dogs starts to be bothered by it.
If you have unaltered or intact dogs, humping can quickly lead to an unwanted pregnancy. Therefore, do not leave male and female unaltered dogs together unless you want them to mate.
If you notice excessive humping from your dog, you must resolve it. The best way to resolve this issue is by simply walking away from your dog when he is humping. You can also redirect your dog’s attention to something else. Alternatively, you can say, ‘no’ when you see your dog getting ready to hump and then redirect your dog’s behavior. This way, your dog will understand that this is not the desired behavior.
Does your dog love to lean on you? There is a very simple explanation for this dog behavior. Dogs love to lean on the people they like. Leaning is simply an indication that they like you and want to be as close to you as possible. Dogs are extremely affectionate creatures. They will try to use every way to get the maximum amount of affection from you. If your dog leans on you and you provide him attention, kisses, cuddles, your dog will learn to indulge in this behavior again.
There is another condition when your dog might lean on you. Leaning also indicates insecurity or fear. If you notice your dog leaning on you in presence of another dog, it may indicate that your dog is scared of the other dog. Alternatively, if leaning on you is accompanied by disruptive behavior when you are not home, it is a clear sign of separation anxiety.
Most dog guardians know the meaning of this dog behavior. Dogs pant to cool themselves off. Since dogs do not sweat the way we do, they exchange air by their mouth to cool themselves. It is harder for dogs to control their body temperature. Therefore, during the summer months, if your puppy is panting excessively, you should try to cool down your dog so that you can avoid heatstroke and heat exhaustion.
Your dog may also pant if he is feeling fearful, anxious or stressed. This situation can easily be resolved by removing your dog from the stressful scenario. If your dog is panting for none of the above-mentioned reasons, it is time to take your dog to the vet. Panting can also be a sign of illness or injury. When a dog is ill, their bodies are in a weekend state. This can cause excessive panting.
Most of the time, when guardians notice such type of dog behaviors, they say that the dog is tired and wants to go to sleep. However, this is not true. Dogs do not have similar behavioral quirks as humans. Most often, yawns indicate that your dog is trying to control his excitement. When Delta has to go for a walk, and we are late in getting him out of the door, he will yawn every few minutes to express his interest.
Yawning may also be an indication of being scared. If your dog suddenly starts to yawn a lot around a guest, your dog may not be getting good vibes from the person. He may feel uncomfortable or fearful toward the person. If this is the case, take your dog to another room and let him relax and unwind.
Intense stares
This is another of the dog behaviors that has many interpretations depending on the scenario. If your dog is staring intently at another dog without blinking, it indicates that the dog is silently challenging the other dog. If you notice two dogs who are not friendly, staring at each other intently and locked in place, separate them immediately. This intense staring is the silence before the storm. After the stare, fighting ensues. Thus, it is imperative that you move the two dogs away from one another.
However, if your dog is staring intently at you while you are holding a toy or a ball, it indicates that your dog is feeling highly motivated. Your dog is showing excitement and happiness by staring intently at you.
Another reason behind staring is communication. Your dog may stare at you is because he wants to communicate that he cares for you. This stare will be a soft gaze where your dog is simply looking at you with all the love in his eyes.
A final situation where two dogs may stare at each other is to initiate a game of chase. In this, the two dogs will stare at one another and slowly approach each other. Then one dog will suddenly run and initiate the game.
Blinking or squinting
If a dog wants to appear nonthreatening to another dog, he will squint or blink. Blinking or squinting are considered to be calming dog behaviors. Dogs most often engage in such behavior if they are feeling uncomfortable or stressed or if they want to put the other dog at ease.
Your dog may blink at you to indicate that you do not have anything to worry about. This will occur if you are feeling anxious and your dog has picked up on your anxiousness. Dogs may also blink at the vet when there are other dogs who are howling and barking. This is the dog’s way to communicate to the vet that everything will be alright.
Leaving the mouth slightly open
If you notice that your dog is leaving his mouth slightly open but not panting, this is an indication that your dog is happy and relaxed. In some cases, this gesture may also look like the dog is smiling. However, it does not mean that your dog is happy only when his mouth is slightly open.
If you notice that your dog’s mouth is completely closed and pulled back, it indicates that your dog might be frightened, stressed, or in pain. Under such a condition, you should immediately get a vet consultation and rule out any underlying medical condition that may be causing distress.
Puppy dog eyes: the cutest of all dog behaviors
No dog guardian has ever become immune to puppy dog eyes. This one in the list of common dog behaviors is highly difficult to develop immunity to. Unfortunately, these expressions do not disappear even after the dog enters adulthood. Puppy dog eyes is a simple dog behavior that indicates that your dog wants to interact with you. This interaction may be to get some scraps from the dinner table. Alternatively, if your dog brings you his ball with puppy dog eyes, he wants you to play fetch with him.
If you have allowed your dog on the couch before and suddenly ban him from the couch, he may display puppy dog eyes to get back on your good side and be allowed on the couch.
Digging up dirt and grass on walks
This is the only unpleasant part of the dog walking experience. Imagine, you are walking your dog and your dog suddenly starts to spray mud and grass on your face. Not a very good dog walking experience, right? However, there is a very clear explanation of this dog behavior.
Dogs feet contain sweat glands that are present at the base. These sweat glands are referred to as apocrine sweat glands. The glands are responsible for secreting pheromones. Pheromones are chemicals that are used by dogs to communicate with one another. If you notice that your dog is kicking dirt once he has peed or pooped, it is an indication that your dog is trying to spread his scent on the ground. This is a typical marking behavior in dogs. By this behavior, the dog is indicating to the other dogs that he has been here and this territory belongs to him.
Baring of the teeth
Almost all the dog guardians know that baring teeth is a sign that the dog is feeling uncomfortable and can go into beast mode. Teeth baring is most often displayed by one dog to another as an indication of ‘back off’. If your dog is trying to be friends with another dog and the other dog bares his teeth, you should take your dog away from the place.
Baring teeth is when the corner of the dog’s lips are drawn in the forward direction. This creates a short lip. The entire set of teeth becomes visible. This is a clear indication that the dog does not wish to engage with another dog or human. Whether you are a dog rescuer, guardian or trainer if a dog is bearing his teeth to you, the dog wants to be left alone. If you see such a sign, give the dog a break and then approach him slowly, with some treats later.
Chewing is a very common behavior in dogs. Every dog guardian is aware of the chewing behavior in puppies. Chewing is a way for the puppy to understand and explore the world around him. When puppies are around four months, they lose their baby teeth and they get their adult teeth. During this time, the incoming teeth can also cause pain. Chewing is a great way to relieve this pain. Puppy nipping behavior can most often be eliminated via proper dog training. however, sometimes dogs chew on furniture, blankets etc. even after entering adulthood stages. If your adult dog prefers to chew, it will help keep his jaw strong and clean the teeth.
However, if you notice your dog displaying excessive chewing behavior, this may be a sign that your dog is feeling bored and is trying to ward off the boredom. This is also a sign of anxiety and frustration in dogs. If your dog suffers from separation anxiety, you will notice excessive chewing behavior.
In case there are no separation anxiety symptoms, yet your pup prefers to chew on furniture, it is a sign of mental and physical stimulation deficiency. If this is the case, you should get door puzzle toys, treasure hunt-type games and other mental stimulation games for your dog to provide ample mental stimulation. Increase the duration your dog spends outside while on walks, hikes, etc. so that your dog gets proper mental and physical stimulation.
Chewing up the couch foam
Dogs are super smart. Most often, they don’t get credit for how smart they are. This is the reason, in the absence of proper mental and physical stimulation, your dog will chew on anything and everything he sees. Dogs like to work. Either you provide them with work or they will find work for themselves. Unfortunately, this may involve your dog chewing up the pillow, couch or anything that is easily attackable. If you are coming back to a room full of cotton clouds, it is an indication that your dog has busted a pillow or something else with foam.
If you wish to avoid this behavior, you should provide your dog with ample amounts of mental stimulation, exercise, and training. Training will help your dog understand which items he is allowed to chew and which he is not.
Bringing gifts
Dogs do not define gifts the way humans do. For your dog, even a smelly sock is a gift. They will bring you all types of smelly and dirty things from the yard and random objects they may find on their walks. You are to accept the gift with a smile, thank your dog and your dog will feel very proud of his generous behavior.
Dogs give gifts to other dogs or humans as a sign that they want to play or want some attention from the human. However, in Delta’s case, he brings the gifts to his friends but does not give it. He will bring the gift really close to their mouths and then simply take it away and run off with it. This is his invitation to his friends to engage in a game of chase.
Whining and whimpering
If you notice your dog whining, your dog might be feeling anxious, excited, or submissive. If you notice the interaction between two dogs where one is whining, the dog who is whining is showing signs of submission. However, if you notice that your dog is whining for a prolonged period, this whine can indicate that your dog is feeling uncomfortable and is probably suffering from an underlying medical condition. Under such circumstances, you should take your dog to the vet as quickly as possible.
Ear flicking
If you notice your dog flicking his ears, it means that he is tuned into the sounds in his vicinity. Dogs flick their ears to better pick up the noises. If your dog has pointy ears, you will see flicking ears in action a lot. Contrary to this, if your dog has droopy ears, there’s a chance that you may not observe the flicking or the flicking may go unnoticed. This does not mean the dogs don’t flick their ear. It is just less prominent compared to the pointy ear ones.
Sniffing the Air
We most often observe this behavior when we are cooking chicken or any other meat. Delta’s nose will go high up in the air and he will sniff the air. Most often, domestic dogs sniff the air if they get the smell or whiff of something really tasty. However, there is one other reason dog prefer to sniff the air. It is to track their prey. You must have noticed canine officers sniff the ground or the vehicle when they are searching for drugs. The dog has a nose that is a thousand times sharper than that of a human. They use their noses to track prey, find drugs etc. Alternatively, if your dog is hunting prey, he will sniff the ground, not the air. Under such circumstances found my dogs do not bark, growl, or whine as they do not wish to alert their prey.
Belly exposure
If your dog is exposing his belly to you, it is a clear sign of playfulness and an invitation for some attention. Most often, this behavior gets rewarded with belly rubs which further reinforces the behavior. However, if you notice one dog showing his belly to another dog, this is a sign of submission. This way, the submissive dog shows that he is no threat to the other dogs in the area. This is also a way to escape an attack and show that he wishes to retreat.
if you notice a dog suddenly crouched on the ground, he is getting ready to attack. Crouching is the first step in hunting. Most often, crouching will be followed by pouncing which brings the dog on top of the prey. Dogs are hunters by nature. It is in their nature to hunt. Therefore, if you suddenly notice your dog crouching if he sees a squirrel or a small animal, your dog is getting ready to pounce on the other creature.
However, if you notice your dog crouching to you or another human, it is a sign of submission. Under such conditions, the dog crouches to show that he is interested in some playtime and would like the humans to engage with him. Another reason the dog may crowd before a human is if the dog is scared of getting hurt. The dog will try to make himself as small as possible and show that he is not a threat. This behavior will be observed if the dog has previously been scolded or reprimanded for negative behavior. If the dog engages in the negative behavior again and is caught, he may crouch to show that he understands that it was his mistake. Crouching can also be taken as a sign of apology.
Bowing down
If you notice that your dog is lowering his head and chest to the ground and keeping the rest of his body up, it is a sign that your dog wants to play with you. You may notice this behavior after you come home from a long day of work or being outside. Your dog uses this posture to show that he is happy that you’re back and would like to play with you. This body language is most commonly referred to as the play bow. You will most often notice this kind of posture accompanied with heavy tail wags. If your dog is super excited, you may even notice his bum shaking along with the tail wags. Possibly the most adorable posture in the book of canine posturing.
This is most often a wrongly interpreted behavior in the common dog behaviors list. Dogs most often stretch to indicate playfulness or love. One of my fosters, Winston Wigglebutt stretches every time he sees us. This is his way of saying that I love you and I’m so happy to see you. If you notice this behavior from your dog, specifically after you returned from a long day outside, this indicates that your dog is very happy to see you.
Genital licking
This is possibly another of the grossest dog behaviors. Many dog guardians have complained that their dogs keep them up at night with this behavior. If you notice your dog licking his genitals, your dog is cleaning his own body. However, if you notice your dog excessively engaging in this behavior, it is an indication that your dog is either bored or is suffering from an underlying medical condition. Take your dog to the vet as soon as possible to get a urinary tract infection ruled out. In most cases, urinary tract infections cause severe itch in the genital regions. They can also cause genital discharge. These two bodily response forces the dog to lick the genital areas excessively.
Tail wags
This one in the list of dog behaviors needs no explanation. Tail wags simply mean that your dog is very happy. If the tail is being dragged on the downward side, it is a sign of submissiveness from the dog. If the tail is wagging at a neutral position, it means that the dog is feeling playful and wants to play with you. Sometimes, tail wags can also be seen if your dog is unwell. Under such conditions, you will see the tail being wagged while being held on the downward side.
Straight tail
If you notice that your dog is suddenly holding his tail in a straight-up direction, it is an indication that the dog is feeling aroused, excited or confident. You may notice that some dogs behave this way when they are meeting other animals or canines. Dogs also show this behavior when they are judging something. If you notice that your dog is perplexed with a new toy he has found or a treat, you may see the tail go straight up and stick like that.
If you notice that the tail while being stuck up is shaking very slightly, your dog is getting ready for a fight. Under such circumstances, you should remove the dog from the scene and take him elsewhere so that he can cool down. If you notice that the tail is in level with your dog’s body, it indicates that your dog is happy, relaxed and content. If you notice the tail to be low and not showing any movement, it is an indication of insecurity or alertness.
Tail between the legs: the most fearful of the dog behaviors
This is a clear indication that the dog is worried, under stress or is feeling nervous. If the tail is being held between the legs and is pressed tightly against the belly, the dog is feeling extremely scared, submissive and frightened. If you see this body language with the tail pressed against the belly, make sure anything that your dog finds threatening in the environment is removed or remove your dog from the environment.
Allow your dog to unwind, relax and then you can take him back and find out what triggered this response. If you notice that your dog is showing this behavior in front of a dog trainer, you need to change the trainer. The most likely explanation for this dog behavior is that the trainer employed an aversive method for training your dog. The dog started associating the trainer with punishment and thus is feeling scared in the trainer’s presence.
What is your dog trying to communicate to you?
As I mentioned before, dogs cannot express their feelings, thoughts and discomfort. If you really want to understand your dog, you have to pay very close attention to his body language. With dogs, body language is everything. That is how they judge other dog’s reactions, invite other dogs to play or submit to them and show that they are not a threat.
If you are a new dog guardian, it may take a while before you remember all of the above-mentioned dog behaviors. However, the sooner you start understanding your dog’s body language, the better it is for both you and your dog. This is the only way of communication for your dog. Therefore, it is your responsibility to learn it as soon as possible.
All dogs are not the same
This does not mean that all dogs will display the same behavior. Some dogs may not display some behaviors from the above-mentioned list. Some dogs may display a behavior that is slightly different from the ones mentioned above. Therefore, as a dog guardian, it’s your responsibility to correctly interpret the behavior of your dog. If you are finding difficulty in understanding what your dog is trying to communicate to you, get help from a certified canine behaviorist. A good canine behaviorist or a certified dog trainer can help you understand what is going on in the mind of your dog and what is he trying to tell you by his body language. These efforts will only deepen the relationship you hold with your dog.
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What common dog behaviors does your pup display?
Which of the above most common dog behaviors does your dog display regularly? How do you interpret if your dog is happy, sad wants to play or is showing signs of submission? If you feel I have missed out on any of the important dog behaviors, please mention them in the comment section below. I will be happy to include them in the post. I am only human after all. If you have any questions, comments, opinions, or suggestions, leave them as well in the comment section. I will be happy to answer your questions and resolve your doubts. You can also reach me by my email or on any of the social media channels.
See you in my next blog post
Frequently Asked Questions
Yes, the behavior of your dog can be modified by the use of positive reinforcement.
Certain dog behaviors like jumping on people, puppy nipping behavior, peeing in the house, chewing furniture etc. fall under the category of being unacceptable.
Dogs learn a behavior if it is reinforced from time to time. Some of the learned behaviors in dogs are excessive jumping behavior, excessive howling, food begging etc.